We Buy Diving Helmets Made By
A.J. Morse & Son
Morse Diving Equipment Co.
Nations Attic Inc. is the world's largest buyer of antique diving helmets made by A.J. Morse Co. and the Morse Diving Equipment Co. With an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and an impeccable reputation, you can trust us to treat you fairly. If you're considering selling a diving helmet, you've come to the right place.
Nation's Attic Inc. represents top collectors from around the world. This allows us to make immediate offers on vintage deep-sea diving helmets. Regardless of where you are located worldwide, we make the transaction easy and safe. We also pay for and handle the shipping of the helmet!
Please call or text us today at 316-371-1828 or email helmets@nationsattic.com

Nation’s Attic is a buyer of Morse antique diving helmets, especially examples stamped AJ Morse. Regardless of where in the world you are located, we make the transaction very safe and easy. We also pay for and handle the shipping! All we need to make you an offer are clear photos of the helmet. Simply text photos to 316-371-1828 or email them to helmets@nationsattic.com .

Andrew J. Morse & Son Boston Stamp - No Tag
An early stamp used said Andrew J. Morse & Son; Boston. Only one small stamp was placed on the front of the lower half of the helmet. Sometimes this stamping into the copper is hard to read and will be small.
Have A Helmet With An ID Plate Like This Example?
Call / Text 316-371-1828

AJ Morse - Boston
Stamp - No Tag
AJ Morse helmets in some cases will have no brass or lead ID plate. They would simply stamp their name and location into the breastplate. A.J. Morse - Boston. The stamp is not very large and sometimes hard to see.
Have A Helmet With An ID Plate Like This Example?
Call / Text 316-371-1828

A.J. Morse & Son
The brass ID plate shown to the left is a good example of ID plates found on many commercial helmets. The plate says A.J. Morse & Son., Boston, Mass, U.S.A. These brass ID plates were riveted onto the copper breastplate.
Have A Helmet With An ID Plate Like This Tag?
Call / Text 316-371-1828

A.J. Morse & Son Inc. Boston, Mass
The ID plate shown left is very similar to the one above. The difference in the two is the inclusion of (Inc.). after A.J. Morse & Son.
Do You Have A Helmet With A Similar Tag?
Call / Text 316-371-1828

US Navy Mark V A.J. Morse Helmet
A.J. Morse was one of the first to make the Mark V for the US Navy. This brass ID plate from 1918 is an excellent example of an A.J. Morse & Son Mark V example.
Do You Have An Antique A.J. Morse Helmet?
Call / Text 316-371-1828

Morse Diving Equipment Co Inc
Before WWII ownership in Morse changed. For a brief period of time the ID plates on Morse helmets read Morse Diving Equipment Co. Inc. Successors. At times this would be included with an A.J. Morse oval ID plate like the examples above.
Have A Helmet With An ID Plate Like This?
Call / Text 316-371-1828

US Navy Mark V Morse Diving Equipment Co.
During the early part of World War 2 this is what the US Navy Diving Helmet Mark V Morse Diving Equipment ID plate looked like. Don't be fooled by the fake ID plates with no serial # dated 8-29-41.
Is Your ID Tag Similar?
Call / Text 316-371-1828

US Navy Mark V Morse Diving Equipment Co.
Later on during World War 2 Morse Diving Equipment used a lead ID plate on the Mark V diving helmets. It is not uncommon for these to be hard to read the date and serial number.
Have A Helmet With A Lead ID Plate?
Call / Text 316-371-1828